Info and Contacts

Overarching is the video blog where architecture transcends its current limits.
We want to go create a place where a conversation on the future of the built environment, its relations with information technologies, sustainability and society at large.

Phonetics and meaning

Follow or get in touch with us on twitter @overarchitect or through our wordpress feed

6 Thoughts on “Info and Contacts

  1. Amirhossein Najafi on 25/October/2017 at 12:24 said:

    I am studying XBIM but very few references exist. I load a structural IFC model but I can’t read data perfectly. For example, I can read the story building only. The number of beam and column or wall are zero in foreach loop.
    Please help me
    Thank you
    Best Regards,

  2. Hi, we need some assistance with creating bim files from our software.

  3. We need some assistance with XBIM and exporting

  4. Edmund Invernizzi on 31/January/2020 at 09:20 said:

    Mi piacerebbe discutere delle possibili opzioni, ma non sono riuscito a contattarvi al numero indicato. Contattatemi a 0199206720 il prima possibile, per favore.

    • DrBenghi on 07/December/2020 at 18:14 said:

      Mi scuso per aver perso il vostro messaggio.
      Come e’ evidente questo sito non e’ stato aggiornato per diversi anni.
      Il contatto iniziale per supporto con xbim e’ la creazione di un issue su
      Mi auguro che abbiate trovato supporto da quel sito.

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